Sunday, December 6, 2009

transformative grace

Here I am Sunday morning with a bit of a headache from some exuberant celebrating with the BGI C4 and C6 Alumni last night and I decided to capture history. Right here, right now by live blogging from my final social media class giving the coursework and my classmates a collective good bye hug and kiss as we wrap for the Fall quarter 2009 at Bainbridge Graduate Institute. I thought it would be appropriate to share some of our closing thoughts about using the social web for social change class. I think we all feel empowered to express ourselves and our developing change agent rebel yell with the personal branding exercise that was ultimately represented in each of our respective blogs and sustainability topics. The branding exercise was sheer power, after all we are going to be marketing ourselves for life. Hip hop namaste would not exist without the creative outlet the class has provided for me to live my authentic self out loud on my journey to peace. And by the way we made a kick ass video in 3.5 hours yesterday check it out, social media for social change video Fall 2009.

Noteworthy Quotes
"cloud jedi" - Gifford Pinchot III
"when in doubt live blog it" - Three Grooves
"Social media FBI surveillance for Black Friday" - Melissa Dingmon
"A brown woman leading three white men"-browngirlgoesgreen

To close today my creativity and right lively hood has been awakened and continues to elevate and here is an impromptu piece of art, sustainability, and consciousness that came out of my creativity and right lively hood presentation. My trust and the bonds cemented through sharing with my BGI family is helping me to transmute darkness into light. Free.

transformative grace
impromptu power of beingness
multiple intelligences reach up
to the light
grounding into the darkness of the womb


  1. Mauri,
    You inspire me. Again. Always. I'm adding "developing change agent rebel yell" to the list of noteworthy quotes. So happy to be one of those facets of the multiple intelligences shining with you. Love always.

  2. Hi Mauri,

    Thanks for capturing the inspiration. It was a powerful intensive, and it felt like we were all sharing that energy. I also appreciated the weaving of CRL into DLM and loved the chaos of the final project - not possible to take a project like that too seriously. Keep blogging!

